In February 2020, we began working with Bernard Kiwia in Arusha, Tanzania. We got to know Bernard as an educator in Creative Capacity Building at Arusha based Social Innovation Workshop Twende. Bernard already taught at schools so we shared ideas on how to engage with students and how to contribute to the Tanzanian school system together. We decided to develop Learning Kits that can be used in Bernards Workshops or be distributed and shared stand-alone. Inspired by Bernards intrinsic wish to educate and inspire we went on conceptualising a financial framework to source from European structures to finance local production in Arusha.
Topics are driven by the idea of construction education and natural phenomena implemented in technic and technology
For example:
Pressure and tension
Three of the kits have been tested in both Berlin and Arusha.
In Berlin the foundation Schlesische27 (S27) and their project ARRIVO gave us the chance to build an hydraulic arm and test the understandability of the Hydraulic Arm one to one.
In Arusha Bernard had the chance to educate students between the age of 14 to 16 at Orkeeswa school of IEFT (Indigenous Education Foundation Tanzania) Kits and workshops are planned for further locations in 2021. Updates and more detailed insights are available at the AISE! website